MDL Bray Marina
Hull Gel offers many of its boat refurbishment services within the country park setting of MDL Bray Marina.
Here are some key points about MDL Bray Marina
Bray Marina, in its country park setting, provides berth holders with a delightfully tranquil mooring.
At Bray there are 400 moorings for both permanent and visiting boats, .
Fuel (petrol, diesel)
Calor gas
Boat lifting and storage ashore
Engineering and repair services
Small chandlery
New and used boat sales
Bray Cruiser Club
Bar and restaurant
Berths and Moorings:
The marina provides 400 berths for various types and sizes of boats,
Boating and water-related activities are central to the marina's offerings. It has an acticve boating club as well as boat training lessons and handling competitions.
Visit the website of MDL Bray Marina here (opens in new window)